You Have Touched Many Lives. Thank You!

18 Nov



The story in this post will make you sad but, hopefully, also proud of how you are touching others through your art and generosity.

When healthcare providers tell me wonderful stories about how PGT cards help their patients no names are mentioned; privacy is king.  But, I do get to know people a little as I walk the boxes around and offer cards. Patients like to tell their cancer and treatment stories.  “A concern shared is a concern lessened” and I’m happy to pay back what I received.   Occasionally, I see the same people on subsequent visits and we continue to talk of the future.  The caregivers though, they know who isn’t in a chair. They know when one of their’s is not coming back.

My story is about a woman who let everyone, the staff, family and friends, know how much she adored the boxes of beautiful cards. She often said she was looking forward to seeing them on her next visit.  Mostly, as I’ve been told, she just wanted to look at the cards and show them to others.   Also, this story is about one of the caregivers who knows her well.

Recently, the caregiver quietly asked me if they could use a Project Give Thanks card to send to a patient who hasn’t been to the treatment center in a while. She said that the patient has been talking about and missing the cards.  Well, I said SURE and bounded on with “let’s make her a packet of cards, do you know what she likes?” The look on the caregiver’s face stopped me and I heard “I’m afraid she won’t use them.” The eyes I was looking into revealed “won’t use them” was a discreet way of saying something more serious.  A few deep breaths later…more slowly and sympathetically, I offered to help select the card or make something extra special but was given the feeling that selecting a card from the box was going to be a private ceremony of sorts.  I left it at that.  We exchanged a pair of resolute, upside-down smiles and heavy-hearted hugs before returning to our day.


Let’s all feel hopeful that our card was well received and long enjoyed.

Love, Sonja

Three years ago, this was my grandson Bodhi, helping me deliver PGT cards.

Three years ago, this was my grandson Bodhi, helping me deliver PGT cards.


4 Responses to “You Have Touched Many Lives. Thank You!”

  1. mudmaven November 18, 2014 at 9:07 am #

    This totally makes it all worthwhile – sad though it may be! We will continue to make cards so that this, and so much more, can happen!

    • Sonja Knaisch November 18, 2014 at 9:09 am #

      Thank you Chris! Your support and leadership has helped so very much. Hugs, Sonja

  2. Theresa Quintana November 18, 2014 at 4:21 pm #

    Thank you for sharing this story. I could feel all you and the caregiver were feeling through your writing. I know it has been a while since I sent cards in, but I will do so again soon.

  3. laurel stimler November 18, 2014 at 5:33 pm #

    Hi Sonja,

    What a sweet picture!

    Thank you for all that you do! I will have another box ready to send sometime after the holidays.


    Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:07:39 +0000 To:

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