More Kindergarten Antics

6 Sep

Good Sunday Afternoon Everyone,

Hope all of you are enjoying a labor free weekend (yes, I know what the holiday’s for). For me, I’m sitting in the Apple store learning, again, how to edit videos.  I look like a wet dog because I raced out of the shower to make my early appointment.  It was worth the rush because I’m starting to remember what I knew before my summer break.  I’m not alone, most kids who took a summer break are feeling the pain of reviewing what they knew three months ago – Boring!

My second home, the Apple store

My second home, the Apple store

This video was made for me to work with today. But, like the previous water color video it’s worth sharing. I’ll get real about water color techniques soon.

Why do it? Making our own background paper helps our color and shape awareness expand. But, I do it just for the FUN! You?

Watercolor Hugs, Sonja

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